Science. Nature. Viable Agriculture.

Our Products


AgBiTech is an Australian company that puts the grower first. We develop innovative, high quality products that help make farming more profitable and sustainable. Our global team cover Australia, USA, Brazil, Africa and Asia.

Our products harness biological control mechanisms, such as baculoviruses, to allow growers to target insect pests selectively. We combine cutting-edge science and technology with farming ‘know-how’ to deliver reliable, practical, easy-to-use and cost-effective pest management solutions. Our products are also environmentally safe and benign to both humans and animals.

What's New?

Magnet insect Attractant label including Jemvelva™ as new toxicant

Updated information on Magnet insect attractant for Bollgard 3 RMP

Sorghum threshold (Helicoverpa sp) calculators for ViVUS Max

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